jay rabaerto-boneless

jay rabaerto-boneless

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Terminator 4 rise of the lard

Wanna see the true definition of "abusing your authority". This guy takes his frustrations out on a fourteen year old. This is a perfect example of what happens when they give a badge to a big, complete douchebag and turn him loose on the streets. A police officer's job does not entail teaching life lessons about manners and proper english, and it definitely is not part of his job to throw 14 year olds on the ground, take their property, and shove them back down when they attempt to sit back up. Perhaps if this kid was older and a little bigger this guy would have gotten his clock cleaned, but then again he probably would'nt have been such a bully either. I'm pretty sure this went to court and this guy either lost his job or was suspended for 17 days with pay. Someone made him a myspace page.

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